This morning it was raining and the eastbound was fuller than usual. I got on and sat in a seat that I have been fancying. It is not the high seats in the back nor the low seats in the front but right in the middle. Yes this breaks bus riding rule #1 (always sit in the front or the back), but I just find it more comfortable to sleep against the window when i am tire on the ride in or out of town. today I did not sleep but rather plant my nose in a book I haven't touched in a couple of years. As the bus hit stop after stop I again read about Dresden and Billy Pilgrim managing to knock out 2 chapters before I started to get sleepy and rested my eyes for 5 minutes.

After resting my eyes, I slipped back into observation mode. A young African-American man got on the bus and was extremely well groomed and dressed sporting a fashionable suite and light grey trench coat. As he turned around to sit down I noticed he had a Super Mario Brothers go kart kids backpack that just completely looked wrong. I'm not judging I'm just saying. I could only wonder...this young business type with designer glasses, clean cut hair and diamond earrings in both ears was either out of money from spending it on his clothes and snagged his kids backpack or a complete Mario Cart fan. I chose to believe the prior.
Like I said I never judge, but somethings just don't look right....